A healthy parrotlet can live 20 years—or, if we’re to believe some reports, 25 or 30 years!
Parrotlet Care and Safety-Grooming
You will need to trim your pet’s toenails and wing feathers. You can do this yourself. Just wrap it in a towel to give you better grip, and prevent it from biting you. You will need clippers (the same kinds used for cats and dogs) or your standard emery board. You can also ask your veterinarian to do it for you.
A parrotlet needs a bath at least once a week, or more if the weather is very warm. You can leave a shallow dish with water in the cage, or spray it lightly every few days. Some owners even take the bird with them into the shower! Regular baths not only keeps your bird clean, but can even lead to healthier skin and shinier feathers.
Parrotlet Care and Safety-Cleaning
You should throw out droppings and food leftovers every day. However, you should also give the cage, the perches and the toys a thorough cleaning every week.
Parrotlet Care and Safety- Hazards
Parrotlets can get very sick if they eat chocolate, coffee, alcohol, avocados, apple seeds, or peach pits. Salt and sugar aren’t good for them either—they can’t really excrete the toxins as well as humans, and even a “tiny” handful of potato chips can wreak havoc on their system.
Don’t expose parrotlets to strong chemical sprays, including aerosols and insecticides. They may also get sick from the smell of scented candles or plug in air fresheners. Some pet owners even say they shouldn’t come in contact with scented Kleenex.
Also makes sure that the parrotlets don’t enter the kitchen. They can accidentally fall into a pot of boiling water, or inhale the toxic fumes emitted by heated Teflon. You should also keep them out of the bathroom: many pets have accidentally drowned in toilet bowls or full water pails.