If this is your first time to breed love birds, choose the peach face or the masked face variety. They are naturally prolific breeders, and will not need as much maintenance and supervision.
Love birds become sexually mature when they are about 8 months old. However, it is best to wait until they’re at least a year old, or ideally, a year and a half. They will be stronger and more likely to take an interest in parenting—very young birds may simply abandon the eggs.
love birds Breeding- Nesting boxes
You need to provide love birds with nesting boxes. The best size is 25 centimeters high, 20 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters deep. Choose timber that’s at least 2 centimeters thick. This will help control the temperature.
and will withstand the love birds’ constant chewing and whittling.
The hole of the box should measure 5 centimeters in diameter. This is usually made at the top of the box. Be sure to include a perch right below the hole.
Since love birds prefer the nest to have high humidity during incubation, layer about 5 centimeters of damp peat on the floor of the box. Then, fill the boxes with nesting material. The most popular choices are willow branches, pine shavings, and palm fronds. Other enthusiasts add flax leaves, but these have to be changed daily.
However, nesting material ultimately depends on the personality of the bird. There are pairs that love elaborate nests, others prefer simple pine. Just make several options available and the females will carry what they want into their nests. You should also give them additional material during the incubation period, since the hens will want “freshen up” the nest to retain the humidity. Love birds generally need more nesting material than other birds.
Most love birds will have a clutch of 4 to 5 eggs, though they are laid one at a time. The incubation lasts a little more than 3 weeks, or 23 to 28 days. However, females will rarely sit on the eggs unless they’ve had 2 or 3.
love birds Breeding-The best time to breed
You should control the breeding periods to get healthier, stronger chicks. Limit it to one clutch a year, and discourage breeding simply by with holding nesting materials or removing the nest box altogether. Right before the second clutch, cover the cages to reduce the number of daylight hours. Generally, it is best to let the love birds breed during the warmer seasons.