All parrots are smart, but not all of them will use their intelligence to master a word. Some poicephalus parrots will be more interested in learning acrobatic tricks or even games like “fetch”.
Don’t be discouraged if your pets aren’t quoting entire paragraphs from Shakespeare (or even bother to say “Hello, handsome!” on cue). Just find out what your parrots enjoy doing and take your cue from there. They will be easier train because they have longer attention spans and you will spare yourself the frustration of one “failed” training session after the other.
Start lessons when the parrots are young, but don’t initiate until after they have gotten used to the environment. Distracted or frightened birds simply won’t be in the mood to learn, and you will only end up tiring both of you without any results. If the parrots look distracted or upset, spend the time calming and playing with them instead.
You should also work to gain their trust. Be the one to bring in food or remove the empty dish. Feed them bite sized pieces of treats and whisper affectionate words.
Poicephalus Training-First tricks
The first training session should be hand perching. Start by teaching them to stand on your finger. Keep the cage door closed first, so that they don’t panic. If they fly away in panic, don’t withdraw your hand; just keep perfectly still. Remove your hand only when they calm down.
You should also try to remove any bad habits like nipping. One way of doing this is to gently shake the perch, while saying “No biting!” They can’t bite and keep their balance at the same time.
Poicephalus Training-Keep sessions short and simple
It’s best to teach one trick at a time. For example, complete the lesson on hand perching before trying to teach a new word. Limit sessions to 15 minutes, though you can hold more than one a day. Also minimize any distractions. Turn off the TV or radio. Lock the door. Close the windows.
Poicephalus Training-Rewards and punishments
Don’t punish birds when they fail to complete a trick. They will only become afraid of you and will become anxious or aggressive when you try to initiate another training session. Instead, lavish them with praise when they succeed, and give them treats.
Treats should be broken into bite sized pieces so the birds can eat them without getting so distracted by the meal they lose interest in the trick.